As some of you may know, I am a cupcake FANATIC. I may even qualify as a cupcake expert. (Well, in the eating that is- certainly not in the baking)
Several weeks ago, Kerry and I had the pleasure of visiting Vibiana. Both of us had such busy mornings that we didn't get a chance to eat lunch. Although we probably had enough time to grab a sandwich once we arrived to Los Angeles, we decided to look for cupcakes (much more fun than a boring sandwich).
I searched on my iPhone for cupcakes, and a place called Big Man Bakes came up. That's a funny name for a cupcake place I thought, but that actually made me even more curious to check it out!
Once we walked up to the shop, I saw a man sitting outside on the patio reading a newspaper. He resembled a professional football player, yet he had the sweetest smile. For some reason I felt compelled to introduce myself. As it turns out, this man is Chip Brown- owner of Big Man Bakes. And honestly, after meeting Chip and seeing his shop- the name could not be more perfect. Although Chip is a big guy, I like to think that the name refers more to his big heart. I only had the pleasure of speaking to him for a few minutes, but I liked him already. I could tell he is a truly genuine guy who is passionate about what he does. He gets up at 3:00 a.m. each morning to bake the cupcakes. Now that's dedication! For those reasons (and the facts that his cupcakes look and taste amazing), I am happy to introduce Big Man Bakes to our brides.
Read on to find out more about Big Man Bakes and the cupcakes they offer:
Big Man Bakes offers five different signature cupcakes. The "big flavors" are carrot cake, red velvet cake, double chocolate cake, the "old school" cake, and coconut cake. All of which make my mouth water just thinking about them! The red velvet cake recently took first "Best Traditional" category of the 2010 LA Cupcake Challenge. I normally don't like red velvet (weird I know)- but this red velvet is fantastic. Zesty Lemon is also available and addictingly de-lic-ious!
The cupcakes come in "XL" and mini sizes. Love that!
If I had to choose a favorite, that would be tough. So do yourself a favor, and bring a friend with you. That way you can try one of each and share. Or just take a pack of minis home with you.
Next time you get a little sweet tooth, I recommend taking a trip to Big Man Bakes. First bite and you'll be hooked! They're cakes are the way we love them...moist!
Oh, and if you do select Big Man Bakes for your wedding or special event, please make sure to save us a cupcake. I mean it's only fair- we did introduce you!
"Like" Big Man Bakes here: http://www.facebook.com/BigManBakes
Big Man Bakes is located at: 413 South Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013
Big Man Bakes Phone: (213) 500-4351

Many years ago, I picked up camera for the first time because my then-best friend, Jessica, attended film school at CSU Fullerton, and I loved to tag along for her projects. I did do my own thing in Biology and Business, but with every step along the way... the film projects, sleepless nights editing, internships, I was there with her, relishing every moment. Jump to 2009 - 6 months in as newlyweds, school debt up the yin yang, we stepped up our game and turned our art into a business.
Just a few days ago, "Jessica Elizabeth Photography" was honored as one of the Top 20 Wedding Photographers for California. This alone was such a surprise and blessing. It's always nice to have your efforts recognized and we're grateful for the consideration.
What totally and unexpectedly blew us away however, was the amount of support we had this weekend....
There are TONS of wedding photographers in California. The amount of OC photographers alone probably make up the population in Maine! Many who deserve to be in this poll... aren't (marketing? idk). To be in the competitive ranks with some very talented and stylish photographers like Gavin and Erin Wade, Richelle Dante, Ed Pingol, Sarah Chen, and KLK to name a few, is completely humbling and inspiring.
Jess and I currently don't have an awesome website... not yet anyway (but I'm totally loving Richelle Dante's ShowIT site), but we know what is most important. We have and will continue to do what we do best, BE Jessica Elizabeth Photography. There's so much more to wedding photography than just artistic photographs. Jess and I pride ourselves in the experience we provide to our clients, our friends. It's the memories that we try our absolute best to create, and that itself is an art form. The talent we are surrounded with is hot. There are amazing new and veteran photographers that we respect and admire and it is an honor to be amongst them.
Whomever you supporters are: friends or family, colleagues or future clients, or readers even, I want you to know that because of this pleasant surprise, we feel like we're on top of the world! You inspire us to be better. You inspire us to keep going. We've never come close to placing in contests before, and while the polls can change dramatically by end on July 28th you should know it wouldn't matter to us if we lose. We're up against some heavy competition. To us, this has been a victory for Jessica Elizabeth Photography. We're doing something right. And we'll keep making a difference, one client, one friend, at a time. Jessica and I want to thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. (The moment calls for cheese! Don't roll your eyes at the screen =P )
But hey... it wouldn't hurt to win. =)
Please vote for Jessica Elizabeth Photography
here: bridepop
Voters are allowed one vote per day through July 28th at midnight EST!
Rock on!