Jessica & Mark

We are storytellers. There are plenty of stories out there to tell. Let us tell yours!
Our photographic and cinematic philosophy balances contemporary with traditional, where fashion, fine art, photojournalism, and vintage appeal come together in perfect harmony. When words fail to describe the beauty of a moment, cinematic imagery takes its place. Our expertise and creativity culminate into imagery that captures the whole story and the genuine emotion. We are outside-the-box thinkers who know how to find and capture the magic.
Jessica & Mark
It’s funny that these nowadays fortune cookies aren’t what they used to be.
I guess they’ve run out of ways to say “Luck will come your way.” Instead, fortune writers are turning to nonsensical words of wisdom like “It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end.” …….. WHAT???? O.o
But tonight, I got a very appropriate note from my little yummy treat.
Profound isn’t it?
So since I’m in some weird “Confucius say:” mood, I will write my post in good ole’ fortune cookie fashion…
Some of these are plain and simple, but most have a hidden, epiphanic, mind-blowing, WHOA…. type moment, so take the time to think and if you figure me out… AwEsomEnEss! 🙂 Hope you get something out of it!
What does this have to do with photography? well… your mindset and philosophies manifest in your performance and art.
Happy Wednesday to all of our faithful blog readers 🙂 Rob tells me that I have apparently been “slacking” on the blog writing lately. I guess that’s because I have so many fun photos to share that it’s hard to decide where to start.
I love that from this perspective the the kites don’t look much bigger than the seagulls.
But in reality, the kites range anywhere from 27-81 feet!
There were about 15 kitesurfers in the water at a time. Wish we had the 14-24mm to capture it all 🙁
This wave totally consumed him!
Rob loves the leading lines in this photo.
For a minute there, it looked like his was about to be carried away by the kite. I probably would have floated out to sea- LOL.
Active Bluff Failures? Nice and safe!
The lone windsurfer.