We still can’t believe it believe it! 2009 is over and 2010 is here!
In 2009, Robert and I finally decided to officially launch Jessica Elizabeth Photography. The dreams of creating our own Signature Brand of photography became a reality. But we couldn’t have done it without all of our cherished supporters. A big thank you goes out to our clients, our family, and our friends.
We would also like to thank the amazing and very talented photographers who allowed us the opportunity to second and third shoot with them over the course of 2009!
For our final shoot of 2009, we thought it was only fitting to invite two up and coming wedding photographers to join us for an Engagement Shoot so that they could have the same opportunity we had so generously been given by other photographers this year. Thanks to fellow photographers Mark Williamson and Peyton Cooke for tagging along with us for Marisa and John’s shoot. Check out their photos from the shoot at their respective links above. Mark and Peyton- although you may be “competition” we are happy to call you friends 🙂
A little bit about Marisa and John and the shoot…
Robert and I met Marisa and John back in June 2009. We sat at Starbucks and talked about venues, pretty places to take photos, college and life. Since John attended USC, the campus with its lovely brick buildings made a great backdrop for the shoot. I remember one of my favorite dates with Robert was when he made a little picnic for me at CSUF, so we decided to create a mini picnic setup for Marisa and John.
All six of us had such a fun time enjoying each other’s company, that we shot for almost 3 hours. And after that Marisa and John joined us for a a bite to eat at the world famous Pink’s in Hollywood! Delicious!
Marisa and John, we are super excited to photograph your wedding this June! We can’t wait to see your lovely wedding gown and all the beautiful details 🙂
Best wishes to all in 2010!
Jess & Rob
And now, the to the photos. Look how CUUUTE THEY ARRREE!

Of course, we had to get a couple with Tommy the Trojan!

I must give Peyton credit for asking Marisa and John to climb up into the window sill, so we could get this awesome shot! KISS CAM! (inside joke)

A few candids with USC’s iconic red bricks as the backdrop.

Doesn’t that look gorgeous!????? I love the curves! oh, and you guys look good too! So in love…

Yep, that’s me (Jessica) helping Marisa and John get cozy for their picnic.
They got to enjoy some alone time. Well, minus the four cameras, that is 🙂

Love the soft golden light of the afternoon.

And of course, it wouldn’t be a Jessica Elizabeth Photography shoot, without Rob climbing a tree or a balcony to get a shot!

An Autumn Romance:

All these colors are a pretty rare sight to see for all of us Southern Californians. Good eye, Rob!

Rob embracing his inner monkey to shake the leaves from the tree.

Love the GQ poses from Marisa and John!

Although Mark and Peyton, each created their own blog posts for this shoot, we still wanted to feature our favorite from each here, although, we did edit them slightly.
Thanks to Mark for capturing this shot:

Thanks to Peyton for capturing this shot:

Lastly, here are a few of Rob’s custom edits: