Soon your world will become a whole lot bigger. You'll need to find your way around here, but don't worry, you have a loving family waiting for your arrival. Soon you will meet your parents for the first time! And you will be loved, embraced, coddled, pampered... forever!
That's your mommy. She's been carrying you around for a long time.
That guy next to mommy is your daddy. He's a great policeman and won't let anything bad happen to you.

Mommy and Daddy are so happy because soon, you'll be a part of their family!

Mommy and daddy love you so much because they love each other so much.

Mom and Dad don't like taking pictures, but we don't know why because they are so beautiful and handsome.

Will you be as beautiful as Mommy?

Maybe you'll have Daddy's nose!

Mom has everything ready for your arrival. She can't wait to stick those booties on your tiny feet.

Or dress you in this cute little outfit.

Can you tell? Mommy and Daddy love you very, very much.
And they can't wait till their baby Isabella gets to come home.