Carrie & Mark were married aboard the
"Eternity" in Newport Beach. Although the forecast had called for a chance of rain earlier in the week, the weather was beautiful and the sky amazing!
Here is a sneak peek from their wedding day:

Newport Beach, CA
Carrie's Gorgeous Wedding Gown

Carrie is the 14th grandchild, so she was given this beautiful handkerchief by her grandparents embroidered with a special message and the #14. The ring pillow below the handkerchief was sewn by Carrie's mother and made from both of her grandmother's wedding dresses. So sweet and touching.

The Shoes
The Rings

Floral Design by
Sweet Flowers at the Ceremony Site:
Carrie's mother lit the candle for the Curtis family and Mark's mother lit the candle for the Fitzpatrick family. Then Carrie and Mark lit the Unity Candle together.

"F" for the new Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fitzpatrick

We took Carrie & Mark up to the upper deck after the ceremony to sneak in some sunset Bridal Portraits.
Love, Love, LOVE the pics! Can't wait to see the rest! Thank you so much for being there to photograph this wonderful day for our family Jessica and Rob! xoxo
(10.03.11)All we have to say is, "WOW!" You guys did a phenomenal job!! That game night and coffee idea sounds great! Once we get things situated with moving, we'll let you know. Thanks again for the wonderful memories!