It's funny that these nowadays fortune cookies aren't what they used to be.
I guess they've run out of ways to say "Luck will come your way." Instead, fortune writers are turning to nonsensical words of wisdom like "It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end." ........ WHAT???? O.o
But tonight, I got a very appropriate note from my little yummy treat.
Profound isn't it?
So since I'm in some weird "Confucius say:" mood, I will write my post in good ole' fortune cookie fashion...
Some of these are plain and simple, but most have a hidden, epiphanic, mind-blowing, WHOA.... type moment, so take the time to think and if you figure me out... AwEsomEnEss! :) Hope you get something out of it!
What does this have to do with photography? well... your mindset and philosophies manifest in your performance and art.
- Count your blessings.
- If you think you have the most horrible life, just remember that you're not living in (insert 3rd world country here) fighting for your own life let alone basic human rights.
- There's always someone out there who will be ahead of you... except if you turn the other direction and pull out a mirror they will always be behind.
- Success isn't tangible. It's a journey with no final destination.
- If you think you're doing fine, you're not. If you think you're doing bad, you're not.
- Everything can be answered by this one equation, E = MC squared.... a child who can say "mom" or dad" knows this.
- Failure is when you've accepted something is impossible.
- Be _______________.
- A 'To do' list... is transactional, but a 'STOP doing' list, is transformational.
- You can have it all, you just can't have it all at once.

Love that photo of you!