As most of you know, I have a slight obsession for love and weddings. I think my love affair with weddings began way back when I was ten years old and watched "Father of the Bride" for the first time- probably even before that.
This love affair was painfully obvious to everyone around me by high school. In the 12th grade, one of our projects, as part of a life long learning class, was to plan our own wedding. Apparently, we were just supposed to cover the basics. Most of my classmates turned in 2 or 3 page reports. I, on the other hand, made a custom wedding album covered in silk and lace with a place to insert a photo of me and my then high school boyfriend on the front. I made a bridal bouquet and a garter, I picked out the pattern for my flower girl dresses, I cut swatches for the bridesmaids gowns, and more- but you get the point.
I guess I might have scared that high school boyfriend a little- he broke up with me shortly thereafter.
As the years went by I kept adding to this album. I would tear out pages from magazines to keep as inspiration for my own wedding many years later. However, there was one magazine that I could never bring myself to tear the pages out of. The magazine was just too gorgeous to even think of tearing a page from it. So I kept them all.
As luck would have it, the Editor-in-Chief of this magazine had been "tearing" out the pages for me all this time. She collected all of her favorites from the past 10 years and assembled them into a book. Who is she you ask? She, is the one and only: Grace Ormonde. The book is "Being in Love Never Goes Out of Style." What a fantastic title! I couldn't agree more.

And now.... A Winter Romance- When Vintage Meets Modern....
I'm going to have to break these photos up into a couple of posts, since there are so many to share. Check back soon for more photos and to learn about the vision behind the theme, the set design, and the floral design. A very special thanks to Rebecca Salimpour of Natural Charms for the stunning floral design. We must also thank Andre Movesesyan for assisting us in this challenging shoot. Cinematic footage from Step 1 Productions coming soon!

If you are a bride looking for inspiration, make sure to purchase Grace's new book here: .
The book also makes a fabulous gift for brides to be.
OMG these images are amazing!
(04.28.10)Still obsessed! Thanks again for letting us share these amazing photos and design on our blog. Truly one of my favs!